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Auto Repair Price List
From minor maintenance to major repairs, our team of experienced mechanics are ready to serve your needs.
Body Shop Rates
Body $46 per hr
Frame $60 per hr
Paint $32 per hr
Mechanical $92 Per Hr
Storage $35/Day
Car Rentals $35/ day
Deductible. We Pay your Deductible
*'Read: Deductible Assistance applies to Repairable vehicles only. *
We do not pay Deductibles if vehicle become total loss.
fAuto Claims Assistance Free.
== Tire Services
Tire Alignment $124.99
Adjust the position of your wheels so they are aligned and parallel to each other. This will increase the life of your tires.
Tire Puncture Repair. $24.99
A flat tire can usually be repaired. We'll be happy to get you up and rolling again.
Tire Rotation and Balancing $149.99
Rotating and balancing your tires will increase tire life and reduce vibrations from uneven contact with the road.
Nitrogen Fill Tire Service. $159.99
Fill your tires with nitrogen instead of oxigen to ensure your tire pressures will remain stable over the long term.
== Engine Services
Drive Belt Inspection or Replacement $25 - $50. English Flush and Fill Service $199
Flush your engine to protect it from damage and get rid of deposits that Fan Belt Inspection or Replacement $15 - $30 have built up over time.
Serpentine Belt Inspection or Replacement. $35 - $50 Brake Fluid Change. $19.99
Timing Belt Inspection or Replacement $50 - $75. Differential Fluid Change. $19.99
Heater Hose Inspection or Replacement. $60 - $75. Power Steering Fluid Change. $19.99
Radiator Hose Inspection or Replacement. $75 - $85. Transmission Fluid & Filter. $19.99
== Preventative Maintenance
15-Point Oil Change Service 30,000 Mile Maintenance $109.99
Choose from five oil change options. $25.99 Adhere to your manafucaturer's scheduled maintenance plan for 30k
Battery Installation 60,000 Mile Maintenance $119.99
Install a new battery. $49.99 Adhere to your manafucaturer's scheduled maintenance plan for 60k
Filter Replacement. 90,000 Mile Maintenance $129.99
Replace the air filter in your vehicle. $25.99. Adhere to your manafucaturer's scheduled maintenance plan for 90k
Check Engine Light Service. $49.99. 100,000 Mile Maintenance $129.99
The Check Engine Light can indicate any number of problems with your Adhere to your manafucaturer's scheduled maintenance plan for 100k .
engine. mileage
== Repair Services
In some instances, pricing may vary by make and model of the vehicle. Please see a specialist for more
AC & Heating System $50 per hour Automatic Transmission Repair $50 per hour
Brake Services. $60 per hour Manual Transmission Repair. $60 per hour
Diagnosis and Evaluation Services. $40 per hour Clutch Repair Service $60 per hour
Axle / CV Joint Repair (FWD) $75 per hour. Four Wheel Drive Systems. $65 per hour
Radiator Repair/Replacement. $50 per hour
= Auto Inspection Price List
% We provide a variety of inspection services to help you pass state inspection and assist you in buying used vehicles.
== Inspection Services
Smog Check $69.99
Test vehicle emission levels per state-mandated procedures.
State Brake and Lamp Inspections. $99.99
State of Texas Brake inspection and Lamp inspection for DMV.
Emissions Inspection $99.99
Improve your vehicle's likelihood of passing your official state inspection.
Pre-Purchase Used Car Inspection - Late Model $149.99
Bumper to bumper comprehensive evaluation with high quality photos.
Pre-Purchase Used Car Inspection - New Model $179.99
Bumper to bumper comprehensive evaluation with high quality photos.
Pre-Warranty Inspection $129.99
A complete report on all components so that the warranty is protected from any pre-existing condition.
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Call/Text/Email: AstroCollision@yahoo.com
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